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Table of Contents
in work

Informations about work
The National Museum in Warsaw
(Poland, UE)
Ancient and Eastern Christian Art Collection
Chief Curator
Head of the Polish-Ukrainian Project of Inter-Museum
Research Cooperation „Antiquities of the Black Sea”
Director of the Polish Archaeological Mission
“Tyritake” of the National Museum in Warsaw (2008-2013)
Director of the Polish Archaeological
Mission “Olbia” of the National Museum in Warsaw (2016-)
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Contact: E-mail: atwardecki@mnw.art.pl; phone number: (48) (22) 621-10-31 ext. 222, 295
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Projects in work
1. New Exposition of the Ancient Art
Gallery, general scientific supervision
Head of the Antiquities of the
Black Sea project
Greek inscriptions from the Kerch Museum (Crimea), publication of the catalogue of Greek inscriptions preserved in
the lapidary of the Kerch Museum; a publication implemented as part of the “Antiquities
of the Black Sea” project
Final archaeological report from excavations at Tyritake
Director of the National Museum in Warsaw Archaeological
Expedition in Olbia
Awards and Decorations
2015 Special award of the Director of the
National Museum in Warsaw
Sibylla 2014 award, Grand Prix for the best “Museum
Event of the year 2014 in Poland” (Faras Gallery)
Sibylla 2014 award, for the best exhibition
in the category “Historical and archaeological exhibition in year 2014 in
Finalist in the “Event” category in the
competition for “Historical Event in year 2014” (opening of the Faras Gallery)
2013 Silver Cross of Merit
2010 Special award of the Director of
the National Museum in Warsaw
2010 Grand Prix Award 2010 of the
Minister of Culture of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine) for
1st part of the catalogue "Bosporan Funerary Stelae".
2009 Special award of the Director of
the National Museum in Warsaw
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Selected Bibliography
Scientific publications
- Grecja a Wschód
w świetle liryki archaicznej, Meander, 7-8 (1987), pp. 375 ff [Greece and East in the light of the archaic lyric]
- Król Midas - antyczna
tradycja literacka a badania archeologiczne, Studia
i Materiały Archeologiczne, 8 (1991), pp. 65 -121 [King Midas - ancient
literary tradition and archaeological researches]
- Marina -
nowe polskie stanowisko archeologiczne w Egipcie. Próba lokalizacji na
mapie Egiptu grecko-rzymskiego, Studia i Materiały
Archeologiczne, 9 (1992), pp. 107-118 [Marina - new polish archaeological site in Egypt. Localisation in the chart of Graeco-roman Egypt.
An Attempt.]
- A new Funerary Stela in the Collection of the
National Museum in Warsaw, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 95 (1993), pp. 156-158
- Weihinschrift für Hermes oder Souchos?,
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 99 (1993), 197-202
- Eine unpublizierte
Inschrift aus Warschau, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 102 (1994), 307- 309
- Kolekcja inskrypcji
cyprosylabicznych z Gołuchowa,
Materiały z sesji poświęconej trzydziestoleciu
działalności Polskiej Misji Archeologicznej w Nea Pafos na Cyprze (27-28 III 1995), Warszawa (1998), pp. 169-179 [Collection of the Cypriote,
syllabic inscriptions
in Goluchow]
- Inscriptions grecques acquises par le Musée
Nationale de Varsovie lors des fuilles franco - polonaises a Edfou, in:
Tell Edfou soixante ans après. Actes du colloque franco-polonais,
Le Caire - 15 octobre 1996 [= Fouilles -polonaises 4], Le Caire (1999),
pp. 83-93
- Die Sammlung der griechischen Inschriften im Nationalmuseum zu Warschau, w: Atti, XI Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia Greca e Latina, Roma, 18-24 settembre
1997, Roma (1999), pp. 739-746.
- Inscription of the Phoderago (KL 1839) in: The Cimmerian Bosporus, Pontos,
and Barbarian World in the Period of Antiquity and Middle Ages, The
Materials of the Third Bosporan Readings, Kerch (2002), s. 292-294.
- Produkcja
wina w starożytności w: Dionizos w życiu i kulcie. Wystawa ze zbiorów
Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie (katalog wystawy), Sosnowiec (2002), pp.
29-35. [Production of wine in Antiquity in: Dionysos
in the Life and Cult (Catalogue of the exhibition in the Muzeum Śląskie in Sosnowiec)]
- Greek Christian Inscriptions in
the Collections of the National Museum in Warsaw, Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie,
XLI (2000), No 1-4, pp. 3-10
- Inskrypcje greckie,
folder Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie, Warszawa
(2003) [Greek
inscriptions, folder of the National Museum in Warsaw, Warsaw (2003)]
- Kariery zawodowych sportowców w starożytności w
świetle źródeł epigraficznych [Careers of Professional Sportsmen in Antiquity, in the Light of
Epigraphic Sources] in: Sport i igrzyska olimpijskie w starożytności,
and Olympic Games in the Antiquity] [The Catalogue of the Exhibition: Olimpiada. Sport
w sztuce greckiej od VI w. p.n.e. do V w. n.e.; Muzeum Narodowe w
Warszawie 15.05.2004-15.07.2004 [Olympiad. The Sport in the Greek Art since 6th century BC to the 5th AD,
National Museum in Warsaw 15.05.2004-15.07.2004]]
Warszawa (2004), pp. 44-49; catalogue notes of the Greek inscriptions: No 2 (Epitaph of
Apollonius), No 152 (Epitaph of Philo), No 153 (Epitaph of the sportsmen
Rufus), No 154 (inscription according the aqueduct of the Saint
Socrates), No 155 (Epitaph of Theodotus).
- Inscription of the Phoderago reconsidered,
in: Bosporan Readings V, The
Cimmerian Bosporus and Barbarian World in the Period of Antiquity and
Middle Ages, Kerch (2004), pp.
- Four unpublished funerary stele
from Pantikapaion, in: Bosporan
Readings VI, The Cimmerian Bosporus and Barbarian World in the Period of
Antiquity and Middle Ages, Period of destabilizations, catastrophes, Kerch
(2005), pp. 300-305.
- Greek
Inscriptions Acquired for the National Museum in Warsaw by Professor
Kazimierz Michałowski, Bulletin
du Musée National de Varsovie
[Volume dédié a la mémoire
du professeur Kazimierz Michałowski],
XLII (2001) [2006], No 1-4, ss. 129-142
- Wheter Orphic nor philosopher, Bosporan Readings VIII, The
Cimmerian Bosporus and Barbarian World in the Period of Antiquity and
Middle Ages. Sanctuaries and Sacred Objects, Kerch (2007), pp. 361-368
- Tłumaczenie Narodzin Grecji Oswyna
Murraya [Translating
of Early Greece of Oswyn Murray], Przekładaniec, Półrocznik
Katedry UNESCO do Badań
nad Przekładem i Komunikacją Międzykulturową UJ, 1-2 (2007), nr 18-19,
pp. 256-260
- Hieromastor- an inquisitor or adviser?, Bosporan
Readings IX, The Cimmerian Bosporus and Barbarian world in the Period of
Antiquity and Middle Ages. Militaria., Kerch
(2008), pp. 326-331.
- Проблемы эпиграфики Боспорского царства на примере надписи KL 705 (Керченский музей) [Problems of the
Bosporan Kingdom epigraphy by inscription KL 705 from the Kerch Museum, in
Russian with English summary], Novensia 18-19, 2008, p. 351-363
- Poetic
epitaph for Glykarion, son of Glykarion, son of Glykarion
(KL 439), Bosporan readings X, Kerch (2009), p. 540-547.
- Priest
and Poet? (CIRB 118), Bosporan readings XI, Kerch (2010), p. 519-525
- Wieża Babel. Rzecz o językach i formach ich zapisu. [The tower of Babel. About languages and forms of writing] ed.
Zamek Książąt Pomorskich w Szczecinie 2010 [catalogue of exhibition]:
Greek: pp.29-32, catalogue notes: pp. 33, 35; Latin, pp. 48-51, catalogue
notes: pp. 52, 53, 55; Palaeography pp. 56-59
- V.N. Zin’ko, A.V. Zin’nko,
Twardecki, Yu.L. Belik, Issledovaniya Bosporskoi OAE, Arkheologichni Doslizhennya v Ukraini 2010, Institut Arkheologii NAN Ukrainy,
Kiev (2011), pp. 117-118
- Greek
Poetry in Bosporan Kingdom, Bosporan readings XII, Kerch (2011), pp.
- A
Collegium of Hieroi in the Bosporan
Kingdom? w: Pontika 2008, Recent
Research on the Northern and Eastern Black Sea in Ancient Times.
Proceedings of the National Conference, 21st-26th April, 2008, Kraków, BAR International Series 2240, 2011, Chapter
46, pp. 371-376
- Greek
metric inscription about fountain construction (KL 1279=CIRB 913),
Bosporan readings XIII, Kerch (2012), p. 501-507.
- New
Greek Inscription and Graffito from Tyritake, [in:] Bosporan Readings
XIV, The Cimmerian Bosporus and barbarian
world in the period of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Kerch 2013,
pp. 545-551
- Poezja Królestwa
Bosporańskiego a proces akulturacji
jego elit [Poetry of the
Bosporan Kingdom and acculturation process of its elites],
[in:] Świat starożytny.
Państwo i społeczeństwo [Ancient World. State
and society], red. Ryszard Kulesza, Marek
Stępień, Elżbieta Szabat, Maciej Daszuta,
Warszawa 2013, pp. 131-145
- Monika
Dolińska, Tomasz Górecki, Andrzej Reiche, Alfred Twardecki, Zbiory Sztuki
Starożytnej i Wschodniochrześcijańskiej a wykopaliska archeologiczne
Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie [Collection of the Ancient and Eastchristian Art and archaeologic
excavations of the National
Museum in Warsaw],
„Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie. Nowa Seria”, 2 (38),
pp. 30–55
- The
Ancient site of Tyritake in the Cimmerian Bosporus, Polish excavations
2008-2013 in: A. Twardecki (ed.), Tyritake, Antique Site at Cimmerian Bosporus;
Proceedings of the international conference, Warsaw, 27–28 November 2013,
Warsaw 2014, pp. 15–46.
- An
early Christian pendant amulet (?) in the collection of the National
Museum in Warsaw – a philological approach in: Studies in Ancient Art and
Civilization 17, Kraków 2013, pp. 365–369
- V.
N. Zin’ko, A. V. Zin’ko,
A. Twardecki, M. A. Kotin, Issledovaniya
na gorodishche Tiritaka i khore Nimfeya [Research at
the city Tiritake and the chora
of Nymphaeum], in: Arkheologichni Doslidzhennya v Ukraini 2013
(Archeological Researches in Ukraine, 2013), Kiiv
2014, pps. 39-40
- Alfred
Twardecki, Hoplici. O sztuce wojennej
starożytnej Grecji. Hoplites. On the art of war of ancient Greece [small
guide for the exhibition], Warszawa, 2015
- Alfred
Twardecki, Evidence of Foreign Citizens in the Bosporan Inscriptions. A
second approach, Bosporan Elite and its Culture, Papers of the
International Round Table, November 22-25, 2016, Saint Petersburg, 2016,
pp. 30-40
- Alfred
Twardecki, Polish excavations at Tyritake 2008-2014. A small revolution in
archaic architecture w: The Black Sea in the Light of New Archaeological
Data and Theoretical Approaches, Proceedings of the 2nd International
Workshop on the Black Sea in Antiquity held in Thessaloniki, 18-20
September 2015, ed. Manolis Manoledakis, Oxford, 2016, pp. 29-39
Plutarch, Czy stary człowiek powinien zajmować się
polityką ? (tłumaczenie i przypisy) w: Cyceron, Plutarch: Pochwała starości,
Unia Wydawnicza "Verum", Warszawa 1996 [Plutarch, Whether an Old
Man Should Engage in
Public Affairs - translation
and commentary in: Cicero, Plutarch: a praise of the old-age ]

Mały słownik sztuki starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu, Unia
wydawnicza "Verum", Warszawa 1998 [Small Dictionary of the
Ancient Greek and Roman Art.] Version
on-line (Prószyński i
Adam Łajtar, Alfred
Twardecki, Catalogue des inscriptions Grecques du Musée National de Varsovie,
Supplement II, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Varsovie 2003 [Catalogue
of the Greek inscriptions in the National Museum in Warsaw] Version on-line

Oswyn Murray, Narodziny Grecji [Early Greece], translation into polish: Alfred Twardecki, Prószyński i S-ka, Warszawa 2004

encyklopedyczny atlas. Historia świata, [World History Atlas], Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2006
(translation of pp. 1-113)

Galeria Sztuki Starożytnej. Egipt, Bliski Wschód. Przewodnik [Gallery of the Ancient Art. Egypt, Near East. Guidebook], Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Warszawa 2007 (description
of Greek inscriptions, ostraka and papyri)

Matkovskaya, A. Twardecki, S. Tokhtasev, A. Bekhter, Bosporan Funerary Stelae
2nd century BC - 3rd century AD, From the Collection of the Kerch History and
Culture Reserve, Lapidary Collection, vol. III, book 2, part 1=Supplement I
Bulletin of the National Museum in Warsaw, Kiev-Warsaw 2009 / Т.
А. Твардецки,
С. Тохтасьев,
А. Бехтер,
надгробия II в.
до н.э. — III
в.н.э. Из
собрания керченского
коллекция. Книга
2. Часть I=Супплемент
I Bulletin of the National Museum in
Warsaw, Киев-Варшава
2009 (Russian-English bilingual edition). (reading and commentary for
over half of Greek inscriptions presented in the book), bilingual (Russian
and English) publication.
Prix award 2010 of the Ministry of Culture of the Autonomous Republic of
Crimea (Ukraine).

Skarby sztuki. Muzeum
Narodowe w Warszawie, [Treasures of Art. National Museum in Warsaw] Warszawa, 2013, joint publication, pp. 16-19
(introduction for the ancient and east-Christian art) and pp. 28-36.

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Last modified: 30 December 2013
by Alfred Twardecki